LinkedIn is a professional career based social site. Its format is similar to Facebook with profiles and a link button which would be a like button on Facebook. The website is used to show off what talents or specialties you showcase in your career field. What that means is you would create a profile listing all of your accomplishments, qualifications, or talents and it links you with jobs that you might be interested in - in your area. Managers and business hires will be able to choose if they want to like your profile and offer you a job.

When your looking for a job and are maybe moving soon LinkedIn is definitely the way to go. It gives not only people around you the chance to know you, but also people far away. Personally I have some family members that have LinkedIn and I like how their accounts are set up. They use it not only for business, but kind of to use it to keep up with family as well. Basically seeing if anyone has done anything big or got a new job trying to spread positivity.
Which leads me to one profile that I enjoyed looking at which was my cousins
Munirah McNeely Bolis she started off as an event traveler for a company that sponsored races or active activities. The company took her all over the world she then went back to school and received her masters inn psychology and is now an counselor. The LinkedIn was very put together and looked very business like which is how you would want your LinkedIn to look.
With LinkedIn I plan to build my profile up and connect with most people local or in GA (Georgia) because that's where I'm moving at the end of 2020. So preferably I would want connect with a lot of journalist out in that area also intern some radio host. LinkedIn definitely now that I have it will be put to use not only in school, but after as well. With the hope that something will come out of making the profile and building up my resume with experience.
If I was you I would get LinkedIn real soon !!
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