The last couple of weeks have been so hectic. We went from living regular life to now worrying about our health. This pandemonium is all due to the Coronavirus which most describe as a different kind of flu strain.
Every city in the U.S. has discovered cases of the Coronavirus. However, SC has discovered the same with estimating at least 25 or more people infected in each SC county. Schools have closed down and businesses are running things very different to avoid contact with people.
A company that is taking HUGE precaution is the one and only Chic-fil-A. The company decided to let customers swipe their own card and practice safety when handling money. While mostly every restaurant without a drive through is closed to avoid large group contact. Chic-fil-A recently announced as of yesterday that their will be no more drive thru you will only be served using the app.
Everyday Corona hits closer than we expect as of in North Charleston we have had almost 2 deaths related to the Coronavirus. With almost another 10 being treated in medical facilities. The streets are empty and people are fearful because their is still no known way of actually contracting this virus.
Rumor has it that a big 2 week quarantine is coming. Which would be a big problem because stores and restaurants are empty. Restaurants cant receive inventory and essential stores like Wal-mart cant keep up with the traffic flow.
Yesterday I talked with 2 North Charleston locals in which they both stated, "This is not what you expect its more to the story you have to look deeper, but no one wants to do that because of the fear."
Many people have their myths about what's going on. Whether it be religion based or society/ political based one things for certain its sending a wave through the city. At night the streets are empty and businesses are shutdown lights off by 8. North Charleston has ordered a stay at home order, but it is not mandatory quarantine.
For me I'm ready for this to be over. (Pics are not taken by me)
JJ's Jam
History of The Crawford Engineering Building
Harold W. Crawford also known as Crip left his mark here at SC State. Not only as the retired dean, but was a triple threat in mechanics and administration. Crawford has a long rep sheet when it comes to education attending more than 3 universities. Where he received certification for different choices of studies.

Crawford was a tall man standing at almost 6'2. However wasn't really a out going personality as Dr. William Hines stated, "He was a little on the shy side."
That he may have been, but his presence was very powerful. Before becoming Dean of SC State Crawford had his hands in the mechanical department of the school. Which shortly after I want to believe is when he was chosen to become one of the candidates for school President.
As Dr. William Hines also stated, "Crawford was among the big five the board of trustees chose to become a president."
The Crawford Engineering Technology Hall was designed by John H. Blanche and Paul V. Jewell. Financed by the Work Projects Administration to be a trade building. Which is a building dedicated to plumbing, construction, or even carpentry.
John H. Blanche was a former student who attended SC State around 1920 - 1930 who designed the Crawford building and Dukes Gymnasium. Under watch of the President at the time Mr. Whittaker.
Just as Crawford "Crip" the building served as a triple threat. Offering classes such as car fixing and lectures on science/ building. Which industrial / car fixing was Crawford's specialty.
It is uncertain if The Crawford building was named before or after his death. However Dr. Hines stated that every building were either named after a president or somebody who served a great purpose. Explaining that it was kind of the law that at a HBCU the buildings be dedicated to the African Americans who were in power. While the board of trustees were all white kind of like a reward to those chosen.

Crawford was a tall man standing at almost 6'2. However wasn't really a out going personality as Dr. William Hines stated, "He was a little on the shy side."
That he may have been, but his presence was very powerful. Before becoming Dean of SC State Crawford had his hands in the mechanical department of the school. Which shortly after I want to believe is when he was chosen to become one of the candidates for school President.
As Dr. William Hines also stated, "Crawford was among the big five the board of trustees chose to become a president."
The Crawford Engineering Technology Hall was designed by John H. Blanche and Paul V. Jewell. Financed by the Work Projects Administration to be a trade building. Which is a building dedicated to plumbing, construction, or even carpentry.
John H. Blanche was a former student who attended SC State around 1920 - 1930 who designed the Crawford building and Dukes Gymnasium. Under watch of the President at the time Mr. Whittaker.
Just as Crawford "Crip" the building served as a triple threat. Offering classes such as car fixing and lectures on science/ building. Which industrial / car fixing was Crawford's specialty.
It is uncertain if The Crawford building was named before or after his death. However Dr. Hines stated that every building were either named after a president or somebody who served a great purpose. Explaining that it was kind of the law that at a HBCU the buildings be dedicated to the African Americans who were in power. While the board of trustees were all white kind of like a reward to those chosen.
It's a Don Deal !
Don Georgevich author and online helper with sharpening normal people for jobs has a top 5 video of things you should never do. Where he gives his opinions and rules on how to hold an effective interview. .
- Don't talk bad about the previous company -- "Because if you didn't like your boss at the previous business it will be no time flat before you're saying the same thing at the new business."
- Never be desperate for the new job-- "You don't want to give off desperation in a bad way."
- Don't tell the interviewer your a self starter or quick learner-- "Talk about how you do things."
- Never say, "I don't know how"-- "You instead want to connect it to something similar. Showing you have some type of understanding."
- Never as what the company does-- "If anything ask specifics of things they already do. Show you have excitement."
However Georgevich is not hard to get in contact with at all. He has a twitter and is very active with his fans/ followers. He also has a website or email where he looks over certain resumes and lets the person know whether or not its pleasurable. Setting people up for the win so that they can be successful in life not just for a moment.
Georgevich is doing great things and at the end of the video advertised his book. Which anyone who might need some help getting a job needs to cop asap !
Georgevich is doing great things and at the end of the video advertised his book. Which anyone who might need some help getting a job needs to cop asap !
Newseum Front Pages
We had to choose three front news page covers to compare and tie in with each other here are the major cities I chose..
Atlanta, GA- The Georgia Atlanta newspaper goes by the name of "The Atlanta Journal- Constitution" which on Jan.24 had an interesting front story page. The first major story stated "States jobless rate reaches record low" where they compare job gains and the unemployment rate. Giving the reader statistic's on what's to come and how the work industry is right now.
AJC also had an article titled Officials Fight Mental Health Program Cuts. The article explains that the cut of mental health programs would be no good. The reporter believes more suicide and substance abuse will be a result of this change.
An as in every other news headline AJC had its own politics section. Giving us a day by day run down of what happened at Trump's impeachment. Also tying that story in with how they fear no candidate (runner up for president) can out favorite Trump. Hoping that they can get a miracle and find a candidate who can defeat Trump.
Nashville, TN- The Tennessee newspaper "The Tennessean" was set up differently, however was straight to the point.

In the first article it tells us Gov. Bill Lee announces new abortion bill. Basically giving the readers some guidelines you will have to abide by in order to receive an abortion. One of them being once a fetal heartbeat can be detected the abortion will be voided.
Right next to that is where they have the article Tell us who you think are among the best women in Tennessee. Speaking about the history of women rights and how much their vote counts. Then gives you examples of women that are capable of doing a mans job just as well.
Chicago, IL- The Chicgao Tribune starts off by going straight into politics with the article Dems dig in on abuse of power. Holding President Trump accountable for all his wrong doings found in investigation. Letting the readers know to keep up with the Impeachment and get involved.
In other news 4 financially strapped hospitals on Chicago's south side plan to combine into a new system. Hoping that the hospitals leaning on each other will put their money together and build new health facilities.
Then the very last story is titled Cancer is almost 100% curable where different cancer survivors who are all connected in one way. They all survived their cancer scares and are sharing the tips, health change, and results of their home remedy treatments.
Atlanta, GA- The Georgia Atlanta newspaper goes by the name of "The Atlanta Journal- Constitution" which on Jan.24 had an interesting front story page. The first major story stated "States jobless rate reaches record low" where they compare job gains and the unemployment rate. Giving the reader statistic's on what's to come and how the work industry is right now.
AJC also had an article titled Officials Fight Mental Health Program Cuts. The article explains that the cut of mental health programs would be no good. The reporter believes more suicide and substance abuse will be a result of this change.
An as in every other news headline AJC had its own politics section. Giving us a day by day run down of what happened at Trump's impeachment. Also tying that story in with how they fear no candidate (runner up for president) can out favorite Trump. Hoping that they can get a miracle and find a candidate who can defeat Trump.
Nashville, TN- The Tennessee newspaper "The Tennessean" was set up differently, however was straight to the point.

In the first article it tells us Gov. Bill Lee announces new abortion bill. Basically giving the readers some guidelines you will have to abide by in order to receive an abortion. One of them being once a fetal heartbeat can be detected the abortion will be voided.
Right next to that is where they have the article Tell us who you think are among the best women in Tennessee. Speaking about the history of women rights and how much their vote counts. Then gives you examples of women that are capable of doing a mans job just as well.

In other news 4 financially strapped hospitals on Chicago's south side plan to combine into a new system. Hoping that the hospitals leaning on each other will put their money together and build new health facilities.
Then the very last story is titled Cancer is almost 100% curable where different cancer survivors who are all connected in one way. They all survived their cancer scares and are sharing the tips, health change, and results of their home remedy treatments.
The last blog call !
This class has taught me so much from the objectives of learning how to blog. How to connect with many people through social media. Keeping up with our social media and it was our opinion when we wrote on blog no right or wrong answer. That's what kept it real !
LinkedIn is like the job force version of Facebook. Where you connect with people or family around the world to link you to jobs. It also allows you to look bus
inesses and corporations up so you can get an insight on how the company/business runs. The website also encourages you to show off all your qualifications in whatever field you work in. Great place for people looking for a job or to connect with others in the same field and get some questions answered. My LinkedIn can be found at the link to the right make sure you connect with me !
Twitter where the world likes to tweet in my opinion however I don't like twitter to be honest. My reasoning for not liking it is I'm more of a picture kind of guy don't want to read what you're doing throughout the day if I can see it. I made a twitter for a course where I would stand up against police brutality. Least to say its hard to keep up and tweet everyday. However I don't have the app on my phone so maybe that makes it easier when tweeting with friends or other users.
Pinterest is another one of the those sites you have to give a try it really is good for ideas I will admit. They have thousands of recipes and little ideas for you to do around the house for decorations. My Pinterest wasn't the best when it came to being so original with ideas and creating a board.
The green screen project was one of my favorites it showed you what type of personality the class had. For example I took mine and showed that I wanted to be a comedian adding myself to the king of comedy picture. It wasn't easy though it started off with your screen green picture and then you had to crop yourself in the picture making it look like you belong. My green screen picture can be checked out on my blog before and after pictures as well.
Prezi! one of my favorites Prezi in the most simplest explanation is PowerPoint but with a business theme twist to it. It allows you to make the slide show more intriguing. When we had to a Prezi slideshow on top 10 I thought why not discuss food in Charleston. What I really loved about this is that whatever the Top 10 subject was every student could relate to the others presentation.
Overall before this class I knew nothing about blogging and this is the class that taught me how to do it. I have to add on and say made it enjoyable to! In the future its not so much what I would use, but what I will take from this class. This semester has been a challenge battling with general disorder anxiety , but courses like these is what kept me on my feet. Allowing me to express myself or give my opinion Professor Harwood you are the G.O.A.T ! Thankyou for excepting us as we are.
LinkedIn is like the job force version of Facebook. Where you connect with people or family around the world to link you to jobs. It also allows you to look bus

Pinterest is another one of the those sites you have to give a try it really is good for ideas I will admit. They have thousands of recipes and little ideas for you to do around the house for decorations. My Pinterest wasn't the best when it came to being so original with ideas and creating a board.
The green screen project was one of my favorites it showed you what type of personality the class had. For example I took mine and showed that I wanted to be a comedian adding myself to the king of comedy picture. It wasn't easy though it started off with your screen green picture and then you had to crop yourself in the picture making it look like you belong. My green screen picture can be checked out on my blog before and after pictures as well.
Prezi! one of my favorites Prezi in the most simplest explanation is PowerPoint but with a business theme twist to it. It allows you to make the slide show more intriguing. When we had to a Prezi slideshow on top 10 I thought why not discuss food in Charleston. What I really loved about this is that whatever the Top 10 subject was every student could relate to the others presentation.
Overall before this class I knew nothing about blogging and this is the class that taught me how to do it. I have to add on and say made it enjoyable to! In the future its not so much what I would use, but what I will take from this class. This semester has been a challenge battling with general disorder anxiety , but courses like these is what kept me on my feet. Allowing me to express myself or give my opinion Professor Harwood you are the G.O.A.T ! Thankyou for excepting us as we are.
Top 10 prezi presentation
Were in the south so what better topic is better than food !!
The south is the home of fried chicken, sweet tea, and every part of the chicken ! Except the eyes .
This is my blog post about the ten top places to eat in Charleston. In my opinion these restaurants i listed are hot spots and have been open for years. Most of them are what we like to call hole in the wall spots which means its either a little store / shack sized place. Living in the south all we do is eat ! so it was only right to give some people some pointers on where and what they should eat. The Prezi shown below mentions some of my personal favorites and then some restaurants that are just popular. If someone decides to visit let me know what you think, but most of all enjoy !
The south is the home of fried chicken, sweet tea, and every part of the chicken ! Except the eyes .
This is my blog post about the ten top places to eat in Charleston. In my opinion these restaurants i listed are hot spots and have been open for years. Most of them are what we like to call hole in the wall spots which means its either a little store / shack sized place. Living in the south all we do is eat ! so it was only right to give some people some pointers on where and what they should eat. The Prezi shown below mentions some of my personal favorites and then some restaurants that are just popular. If someone decides to visit let me know what you think, but most of all enjoy !
Where I want to be ... (Later on in life)
With this blog post I took my green screen pic in the BNN News room. The idea for my green screen I knew had to be related to my personality or something that I always dreamt of doing. The green screen pics I took were not professional shot posed I wanted to be as casual as possible.
The green screen background picture I chose was the Black King of Comedy all aligned together for their tour poster. The background consist of Bernie Mac, Cedric the entertainer, DL Hughley, and Steve Harvey. Added to the background to adobe premier and inserted my picture in the layer under the photo so they would appear together. Which it then inserted my pic big on the screen I then had to make it smaller and align it to the rest of the kings. Coincidence that I chose this pose because it somewhat fit right in.
The reason I chose to merge the two pictures is because when I graduate from SCSU I'm moving out of state. My mind isn't made up for sure, but as of now I'm looking at the outskirts of Georgia realistically its cheaper and more achievable then going somewhere far right now. Where I plan to take improv and comedy to the next level. Comedy shows are not as big as they use to be back in the day and I feel their is a comeback for dark comedy.
For those who don't know what dark comedy in my own words is the use of comedy to discuss inappropriate topics. Where comedians like Bernie Mack would tell a story , but use the most vulgar expressions or create with images with using words that are out of the box. Also dark comedians always have a catch phrase that 9 times out of 10 has to be out of the box. Making you laugh not only at the comedy but the extremeness of the conversation on stage.
Becoming a comedian is something I always wanted to do and I plan on going big with it. In Charleston well the North side everyone has a big personality. Yet we have no one from the North side of town that's really took the comedy stage really serious to put recognition on the city. Honestly most funny sayings we say in North Charleston are made up and we never get the credit for our twist on it. So I plan on bringing that dark comedy back with hopefuls that I make it with the big dogs of comedy or at least become one of the new kings of comedy.
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